The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Youth Horizons Easter Sun Run

 ~ Eric Hendrickson ~

On Saturday, 3/26, Stacee, Sarah, and I participated in the 2016 Youth Horizon's Easter Sun Run 2 mile race.  There was also a 10K race and a 2 mile walk.
The pictures above were taken before we left the house for the race.  It had rained in the morning and and was overcast.   Below, Sarah and I getting ready to cross the finish line...I have on the bright yellow long sleeve shirt, and Sarah is a few steps behind me in the short sleeved purple shirt.
Below, Sarah on the left crossing the finish line, and Stacee, on the right, in blue long sleeves crossing the finish line.
The day turned out to be nice and sunny.  I actually got hot in my long sleeve shirt.  I ran with Sarah and tried to push her for a great time.  She finished 1 second behind me and Stacee about 30 seconds behind us.  Note the "Hutton" emblem on the trailer above.  Hutton was one of the sponsors of the race.
Here we are a few minutes after finishing the race.  We saw Brian, the Youth Horizons Residential Program Director and good friend of mine, with his daughters.
There was live music and food for everyone after the race was over.  Paul and Gloria were here to help watch Phoebe and Silas while we ran and to cheer us on.  We all sat around to see who won medals and prizes while we ate. 
We thought Sarah would medal, she ran a good race, but she came up a little short.  I was about knocked off my feet when I heard my name called for third place in the 35-39 male age group.  Then a few moments later, the same thing happened with Stacee.  We joked that there must have only been three racers in our age group. 
Sarah was a little bummed while Stacee and I were a little dumbfounded.
Not a participation medal.
Race Results (out of 554 two mile runners of all ages):
Eric - 17:02 minutes, 101st place
Sarah - 17:03 minutes, 105th place
Stacee - 17:36 minutes, 124th place

I am grateful that God provided a beautiful day for this event, and I pray that God continues to bless the Youth Horizon's ministry.  
To find out more about YOUTH HORIZONS please CLICK HERE.

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