The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Colorado Trip Day 3

The guys headed out in the early morning hours to start fishing in Eleven Mile Canyon.  We headed over later with a picnic lunch and our swimming suits.  Aunt Lindsee climbed up in the rocks with the kids so that they all could feed the Chipmunks.
They also saw a little gray spotted lizard up in the rocks.
The Chipmunks liked little pieces of bread.
We met Mom's cousin Melody and her family in Eleven Mile Canyon for fishing, picnicking, and hiking.
Aunt Lindsee is in the running for Aunt of the year.  She was the only adult that put on a swimming suit and got in the cold mountain water with the kids.  Go Aunt Lindsee!
Sarah enjoyed the cold water and floating the most until she slipped and fell on some slippery rocks, while trying to pose for a picture in he water, gashing her shin wide open, and abruptly ending all the water fun.  There were no tears, but a lot of grossness.  Dr. John helped get it cleaned out and bandaged up when we got back to the cabin later that day.  Eric and I were thankful for Dr. John.  We knew if one of us had tried to clean and bandage her leg she would have screamed and cried... but with Dr. John she put on her brave pants.
On the bridge at Eleven Mile Canyon, below - left to right, Ford, Brian, Tiffany, Dustin and Carri, Dad-Paul, and Gage.
There was a little more Chipmunk feeding....
Smith family - Below, left to right - Dustin, Carri, Gavin, Gage, Melody, Duane, Tiffany, Brian, Parker, and Ford.
Below, my two favorite fishermen in the whole wide world... My husband and my Dad.
The fishermen caught some Trout for us all to try at dinnertime that night at the cabin.  The Smith family joined us for dinner...,Trout, hot dogs, salads, and chips.  After dinner some of us went hiking in the Pike National Forest (back behind the cabin) and then played Washers until well after dark that night at the cabin.
Our kids enjoyed Frisbee and horseshoes.
We hiked back to the bear den that Eric and Sarah had discovered a few years back while hiking in the Pike National Forest.  Below, it is visible to the back right of Phoebe.  A hole dug out back into the side of the mountain.  To see pictures of the den from three years ago 
We came across the split rock while on our hike again this year.  We did our best to push it apart even further this year....  It took all our muscles and weird faces to shove these rocks apart further.
Then a girls team effort was tried....
It wouldn't budge.  So we joined forces with Silas.  We may have moved it a fraction of a millimeter.  Maybe.
We ended the evening with some fun, yet competitive Washers.  There were some close games, some leaners, some trash talk, and some celebrating from all of these players.  All had a lot of fun.  We were glad you could join us for a day of Colorado fun Smith cousins!

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