Every year since Sarah was born I make a sign and take a picture of the kids with it for Eric. We have a collage picture frame hanging in our hallway and a new picture is added in each year.
This is Eric's 5th Father's Day. And, the pictures are getting harder to take each year... trying to get two kids to look the same direction, smile, and hold a sign is a very tricky thing to do by yourself, and frustrating. Last year and this year I think I took about one hundred pictures trying to get one good one. Here is some of the shots we took this year trying to get that one perfect picture.
Father's, whether you know it our not, you are special, and can influence and impact many lives. Being a Father is a blessing, a role to take seriously, and a job not easily done. Keep up the good work. Happy Father's Day!
A faithful man will be richly blessed. Proverbs 28:20
Stacee I really enjoyed the pics! What a wonderful idea!!