The girls, ready for day three of VBS... the last day.
Sisters, Buddies, Pals, Friends!
Today's Bible point was "God's Word is life-changing." How true this simple statement is and can be in our lives. His Word can bring you out of the darkest despair. The words in the Bible can change you inside and out. God's word and voice have the power to completely transform us. God's Word CAN change our lives forever.
The craft today was a toss and turn toy. The toy helped to illustrate to the kids that by deciding to follow God, he can help them stop going the wrong way, and start going the right way.
Some of Sarah's favorite things from today were putting stickers on her toss and turn toy, the lemonade, and watching the Chadder Chipmunk show in the Sail Away Cinema. This show helped explain the daily Bible point to the little kids. Phoebe had a rough, but fun day again with her three friends in the nursery. She fell down a couple times and got a scrape on her leg and a cut in her mouth. She is tough, and it wasn't anything that a big hug from her "me-me" (Mommy) couldn't make better.
Out Bible story today was from Acts 3:1 -4:12 Peter and John teach about Jesus.
"Give me life through your word." Psalm 119:37
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