The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Vacation Day 5 - Taylor Park and Buena Vista

We packed and loaded the vehicles by about 10:00am Colorado time, and headed out to do some fishing on our way back over Cottonwood Pass to Buena Vista. 
The first fishing stop was at Taylor Reservoir.  Sarah wanted to fish with her Daddy and Popee.  She also said that she "wanted to throw the fish back".  Meaning she wanted to be the one, if any fish were caught, to give them the toss back into the water. Eric had brought her "Dora" pole along, so he baited it with a worm and the three of them fished for awhile.  They had a few bites, but it was very windy, and Sarah soon lost interest in watching her bobber and decided hanging out with Nanee and Lindsee was more fun.  Eric caught a Rainbow Trout before we decided to head on up the pass and try some Beaver ponds along the way.

We did not stop at the top of the pass on the way back over this time.  But, I did take some pictures out of the truck window as we were driving to show the snow that was still left on June 17th.
In Buena Vista, we stopped at a park for a picnic lunch.  Then we walked around the park.  Phoebe started running, tripped and got a big "Ouuu" on the palm of her right hand.  She is so tough.  She did not cry, just said over and over, "ouuu" "ouuu".  She did however not want to touch anything with that hand for the rest of the day.  The park had swings and a slide that Sarah enjoyed playing on.  Dad, being the nature spotter that he is, spotted a Great Horned Owl up in a large tree.  It was pretty neat to watch it sitting up there, moving his head all around.
At the park there was an old Caboose that we climbed on.  It looked as though the inside was being restored and we could not go into it.
Later in the afternoon, we checked into our hotel.  Dad told us that he picked this hotel because it had a pool to swim in and waffles for breakfast.  We all got our suits on and went swimming.  Dad had a new swimsuit and a special new t-shirt for the occasion... His shirt said, "Never fear, Super Grandpa is here!" 
That evening we enjoyed a great family dinner at a small restaurant in Buena Vista called the Garden Song Cafe.  Dad, Sarah and I especially liked their Clam Chowder.

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