The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

High Seas Expedition - Day 1

Today was day one of Vacation Bible School at our church.  The theme this year is High Seas Expedition.  Each day the kids are taught one important Bible point.  Today's point was " God's Word is true."  The point is reinforced throughout the day with Bible stories, Bible verses, songs and hands-on activities.  Our Bible story was from Acts 12:1-19 God frees Peter from prison.
Here are the girls.  Ready to go to VBS!

Some of Sarah's favorite things today were... the castle in the story room, making a treasure chest, playing games, and singing songs.  Phoebe had a fun time playing in the nursery with her friends Abigail, Andy, and Elizabeth.  And, I lead the craft area with lots of great helpers.  A THANKS shout-out needs to go to Elaine W. and Kathy H. for all of your assistance gluing, opening packages, keeping kids calm, cleaning, and prep-work for tomorrow.
"But you are near, O Lord, and all your commands are true." Psalm 119:151