The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Thursday, June 2, 2011

High Seas Expedition - Day 2

The girls ready for day two of VBS!
We had another fun morning at VBS!  My craft to lead today was decorating pillows.  (For some people a pillow can be a comfort item.)  Our Bible point today was "God's Word is comforting."  
The Bible story for the day was from Acts 27 - God comforts Paul in a storm at sea.
Sarah told me on our ride home from church that her favorite things today were making her pillow for craft, running around outside during game time, and that she loved the lemonade and cheese at snack time.  I also happen to know one of her favorite youth helpers was in her group today too!
Phoebe had fun again in the nursery playing with her friends.  Here she is with her friend Abigail.  Phoebe is two weeks older than Abigail.
 Ready to go home... See you in the morning everyone!
"Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles." Psalm 119: 50


  1. The pillows are really neat! It looks as though you all had a lot of fun!

  2. Stacee your post are so cute!
