The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Phoebe Games 5 & 6

 ~ Eric Hendrickson ~ 

Game #5 - Tuesday, May 29th, 6pm - Against Clearwater team 1
Stacee was at Sarah's game tonight so thank you to whomever took the pictures.
Our team played great tonight.  Almost everyone was hitting the ball.
Not only were they hitting the ball, they were hitting the ball hard.
We scored 3 runs one inning, 4 the next, and had 3 more in the 3rd.  The other team's coach asked the game be called during the middle of the 3rd inning due to being 10 runs after 3 innings.  Phoebe was the next one up.  Phoebe was 2 for 2.  One hard ground ball to right field and a slow grounder to the pitcher.  Phoebe played 2nd and right field.

Game #6 - Thursday, May 31st, 8pm - Against Mulvane team 1
We played our first out of town game in Mulvane.  When we arrived the lot was full, so we parked in the swimming pool lot across the street.  That was a long walk with all the gear.
Phoebe played well and hit the ball the three times she was up to bat.
Phoebe had a ball hit to her in right center field.  She quickly threw it into the pitcher.  She also played center and second base.
Our team is playing great.  All but a few girls are hitting the ball on a consistent basis.  We had another run rule tonight, 12-2.  Way to go, girls!

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