The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Monday, June 4, 2018

Silas Games 4 & 5

 ~ Eric Hendrickson ~ 

Game #4 - Tuesday, May 22nd
Silas played at 7pm so it conflicted with Phoebe's 6pm game so I just made it to the last inning of the game.  Stacee was with Sarah in Derby and also made it to the last inning of the game.
Silas was focused.
I got to see Silas hit one strong hit to right field and play outfield and first base.
Good job Silas and Team Thunder

Game #5 - Thursday, May 31st
I wasn't able to make this game because I had a machine pitch game in Mulvane.  Had I been there, Silas's hat would have been turned the right way when he was in the outfield.
I was told by one of the parents (not Stacee) that Silas hit the ball hard each time and made good plays at first base.
I was told he dove to first base to get this runner out.  They said the runner was safe and we had no replay to confirm that.
He did get the runner out in a close play at first (in the picture below).
Tball age is a fun age to coach.

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