The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Look At Me...9 and 10

~ Nine Months Old ~
Standing in his crib... pulling on the mobile and standing on the crib bumper (Mommy took both down and out of the crib)...
Swinging outside, pulling up and standing on furniture all over the house...
Very curious, likes to try to help unload the clean and dirty dishes from the dishwasher... also likes to try to climb onto the dishwasher door before Mommy can stop him...
Clapping his hands... Yay!
Driving the car... in the backyard...
Driving his sister around the backyard....
~ Ten Months Old ~
Walking around the yard and inside the house holding onto walking toys...
Buckled in and riding in the grocery cart...
First time to go to Colorado, and the Hastings family cabin... First time to try refried bean dip, (from a restaurant in Cripple Creek, Colorado.  He loved it!)
 First fun time at Santa's Workshop, North Pole Colorado... going down the Candy Cane Slide with Daddy, riding a Reindeer...
 and riding squirming all around on the highest Ferris Wheel ever with Mommy and Great Aunt Wyonna...
Months 9 and 10 you've been great.  Now he's ready to speed CRAWL, let go and WALK, and BABBLE on into months 11 and 12.

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