The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Eighteen Months

~ Eighteen Months Old ~
Me: What do you like to play with Silas?
Sarah: "When Silas chases me.  And he plays cars with me.  He races them down a track. And, play hide and go seek with him because when he hides with Phoebe or me it makes me feel like he is playing with me."
Phoebe: "Cars.  We push them down the racetrack.  I like to tell him good night and hug him.  And, I like to hug him and pooch (smooch) him."
Me: What is Silas learning and doing now that he use to not be able to do?
Sarah: "He use to not be able to say my name and now he is.  It sounds like, "Werwa".  He does a lot more talking.  He does a lot more playing.  And, now he can do climbing.  He climbs on everything... the ladder on my bed, on the chair, on the couch, and on the counter."
Phoebe: "Saying my name.  Him call me "Beebee".  He likes to watch movies in the van.  Him like Elmo and Barney."
Me: What do you think are some of his favorite toys?
Sarah: "The kitchen stuff, his monkey, the little people things in our room, cars, books."
Phoebe:  "Him favorite toys is his monkey and his blankie. He likes the potato head stuff."
Me: What are some things that make Silas scared or sad?
Sarah: "The vacuum makes him scared.  Going to the nursery at church makes him cry.  He doesn't cry the whole time."
Phoebe: "The beeper (weather alert radio).  He screams and cries."
Me: What is your most favorite thing about having Silas for your little brother?
Sarah: "Because he helps us clean up and he plays with us."
Phoebe: "Hugging him."

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