The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Friday, February 28, 2014

February School Days

Phoebe has had some great first days of school this month.  Only going two days a week, may be a slightly bigger adjustment than going everyday would....  It may take her just a bit longer to settle into the routines.  The one thing so far that she does not like, is going in the gym with all of the big kids before the school day starts.  It causes her a lot of anxiety and we've had tears a couple of mornings over it.  As long as she knows that I will walk her to her classroom, not leave her in the gym, she is completely okay with going to school.
On her first day of school this month her class had a "100 Day" party.  And, she worked hard to pick out and sign her name on lots of Valentine cards for each one of her new friends in her class.  She got a sack of Valentine cards and candy of her own too!
The worksheet above was cutting practice.  They had to cut with scissors and try to stay on the dotted lines.
One day each week Phoebe will get to bring something to "Show and Share".  Her second week of school the Pre-K theme of the week was farms and the letter was C.  She could bring something to share that had to do with farms (the theme) or started with the letter C (the letter of the week).  She chose to take her big horse.  Eric and I helped her prepare and practice saying a few things that she could tell her class about the horse.  When I picked her up from school on that day and asked her about the "Show and Share" time she told me, "I only told them two things. It is a horsey.  It lives on a farm."  This week the theme was the city and the letter of the week was Q.  Eric and I helped her pick a small quilt to take for "Show and Share".  She told me that when it was her turn she told her class that "It is a quilt.  Mommy made it."
In her classroom she will get to work on learning many new skills that will prepare her for Kindergarten.  Some of these skills are cutting, counting, grouping, shapes, patterns, reading comprehension, letter and number recognition, letter sounds, and writing letters and numbers.  Most importantly though for Phoebe will be her speech class/group.  Every day that she goes to school she will have speech class/group.  Her teachers will all help her learn to make her sounds correctly.  She will learn to use words correctly.  She will learn to speak in full sentences, and she will learn to answer questions and talk in front of her peers.

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