The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Friday, February 28, 2014

February Schoolwork

February passed by so quickly! There were three snow days off of school and a few days off for parent/teacher conferences and holidays.

 Eric and I went to Sarah's parent/teacher conferences in mid-February.  We were very pleased to hear how well she continues to do academically, especially in reading and math.  She enjoys all of her subjects, but tells us math is her favorite.  We were also happy to hear from her teacher about how good of a friend Sarah is at school to everyone.  On the report card her teacher wrote, "Sarah is hard working and very intelligent.  She grasps new concepts easily.  Sarah is also great at relationships with peers."  I know Sarah tries hard to include others and to "Shine" for Jesus when she is at school.  WAY to GO sweet Girl!  KEEP Shining!!!

Below is a short story she wrote and drew about what we did on one of the snow days in February.
"I got up from my bed."
"I get dressed and then I went outside to shuvel snow."
"Then my Dad came home and I was all done shuveling."
"He took me sleding."
Me: What did you think your teachers would talk to or tell Daddy and I about at your parent/teacher conference?
Sarah: "That I am being good in school and that I am a great helper for people.  And, they would show you that paper about the things I like and don't like, about reading, math, writing, and science."
For the class Valentine party I planned three different minute to win it games for the kids to do in small groups.  
Game #1 blowing q-tips out of straws... trying to get the q-tips to blow into buckets about 5 feet in front of them.  In one minute they each had to see how many q-tips they could blow out of the straw into the buckets.  Load the q-tip into the straw, aim, and blow! Most q-tips in wins.
Game #2 Sucking the marshmallow onto the straw and carrying it about 10 feet then dropping it into a bowl.  In one minute they each had to see how many marshmallows they could move from bowl to bowl using only a straw and their air.  Most marshmallows moved wins.
Game #3 Carrying marshmallows on a spoon from bowl to bowl.  In one minute they each had to see how many marshmallows they could carry from one bowl to the other bowl about 10 feet away.  They had to balance the marshmallows on the spoon.  They could not use their extra hand to hold the marshmallows on the spoon or to pick up any marshmallows that got dropped.  Most marshmallows moved to the other bowl wins.
When we got home after the class Valentine party, both girls had fun looking through and opening all their Valentines from their classmates and teachers.
Sarah made her Valentine bag with a ladybug heart on it.  .
Sarah's teacher gave each student a cute KRAZY Valentine!
Me: What was one of your favorite things about your class Valentine party?
Sarah: "That we got to play the games.  I liked the marshmallow one where we got to pick them up with our straw.  I love that one."

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