~ Eric Hendrickson ~ (my husband)
If you don't know already, I served time in prison (Nov. 2006 - Feb. 2009). While in prison, I was in a Christian ministry called InnerChange Freedom Initiative (IFI), which is now called Brothers in Blue Rentry (BIBR). On Sunday, January 12th, former IFI/BIBR members led the church service at Westview Baptist.
Top: Left to Right - Brett, Me, Carl, Spencer, Glenn. Bottom: Left to Right - Jeff, Gary, Curtis, Don, Miles. Out of the ten men above, 8 of us were IFI/BIBR members. Brett (Carl's son) in the Royals shirt and Glen (Carl's friend) in the Racing shirt were not.
Here I am giving my testimony. I was not scheduled to speak, but the Lord laid it on Carl's heart on the morning before the service that I needed to give my testimony.
The band, "Tribe of Levi", outside of Brad (singer), are all ex inmates. Carl is on guitar, Miles on the base guitar, Gary on the keyboard, and Phil on the drums.
We are having IFI/BIBR services across the state on a monthly basis. We are tentatively scheduled to perform services at my church on June 30th. We would love for you to come and worship with us.
I love these men. They are dear to me and I am grateful that they are free men. One important concept I grasped in prison was even though I was locked up in my tiny prison cell, I was set free by Jesus Christ. The weight and burden of my sin was removed, my failures and disappointments were put behind me, and the bleak future I envisioned were washed away when I gave my life to Jesus. Be Set Free through Jesus.
To find out more about the IFI/BIBR program and how it is impacting the lives of inmates and their families here in Kansas, please click on the following link.
Eric, it's so wonderful to hear about this transformative program and how it has positively impacted your life. Your story is enlightening and I hope others can be inspired to follow the path IFI/BIBR made available to you.