The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Sunday, February 2, 2014

January Schoolwork

Sarah filled up her sticker chart at school at the beginning of January.  Students get stickers for getting caught being good and being good examples to others.  Once the sticker chart is full, the student gets to pick a coupon from the prize coupon box.  This time Sarah picked "Still Sleepy? Wear your PJ's to school!"
Me: How did you like wearing your pajamas to school?
Sarah: "It felt like clothes so I did not like it."
Sarah brought home her report card for the second nine weeks this month.  Again, she had all very high grades.  She continues to excel in her academics at school.  We are very pleased at how well she does and how eager she is to learn.  She also has been shining her light for Jesus at school and around her friends.  She has been trying hard to figure out ways she can be a light and good example to her peers at school.  She talks with Eric and I about it at home and tells us what she does to shine at school.
Sarah has reading and math homework almost every week night.  Usually Eric or I work with her to complete her math worksheets.  She likes math and once she grasps a concept, does not forget it.

Me: On the 100th day of school you got to have a celebration.  What kinds of things did you get to do?
Sarah: "Eat 100 snacks.  While we were waiting we did a 100 coloring sheet.  The teacher read a book about 100 days of school."
Me:  You filled up your sticker chart again this month!  Great job!  This will be the second time you have picked the "Stinky Feet Wear no Shoes in the classroom!" coupon.  You must like that one. 
Sarah: "Yes, cause you can feel the carpet."

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